I struggled for a moment to figure out what was going to be the last of the 30 blogs in 30 days, for Child Abuse Awareness Month???!!! I felt that in some way it had to be EPIC! The FINALE! The CLOSING! I continued to think and think and think and decided to just walk away from the topic in my mind grabbed my phone and opened up Facebook to do some thumb sifting through posts and there it was! It wasn’t epic [well it sort of is] or any of the above but a clear understanding that if you ask the universe for something [so I could complete this blog] you will receive it. It was a Facebook Memory showing up ~ a post from 4 years ago. I took a screenshot [as you can see] to post, as it represented exactly what THIS is all about! When we speak our stories, provide information, educate and connect with others through the process – even if we do not know the people we are reaching – GREAT things happen! That is what the past 30 days of blogs have really been all about – providing information – sharing stories – educating. Read the post and ENJOY!

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