HPF Executive Director Charles Custer

What has 2018 brought me?  I have been saying this for a while now, that every year has gotten better than the last, and this one didn’t disappoint.

For starters, I got married to the most beautiful, wonderful and loving person in the world. There were so many incredible little moments and events leading up to what was the greatest day of my life.  For those that played apart in the journey, you know who you are, and we can’t thank you enough.  Alex, you make me a better person and I can’t wait to continue this lifelong adventure together.

On an HPF level, well… I feel like I have been stalling to get to this because I don’t know where to begin. 2018 was a year of growth and progress for the organization.  It was like watching a young man or woman start to understand what strength they possess to make a difference and we all witnessed HPF start to blossom.

This year, we had our first anti-bullying event. It was a special night for kids at a showing of the “Black Panther” movie which was an opportunity to connect with children on the impact of bullying in a fun, educational and entertaining manner.

We also had our first large-scale fundraiser, The Orange Tie Affair. It was a stunning night of music and stories for healing at the Camden Adventure Aquarium. The work that our team did on what was the first large scale collaborative effort is noticed when you have a media presence and a buzzing of sponsorships in line for April of 2019. The OTA is strategically held during Child Abuse Prevention Month because it provides us the opportunity to share the stories of heroes that have come forward, while showcasing the strength of many.

There were a handful of other events that embody what it is that HPF stands for, that we were able to host. We had our first Brews against Bruises event during October, which is domestic violence month.  The funds that were raised during Brews against Bruises, allowed HPF to achieve one of its original objectives, the ability to support other organizations that are aligned with ourmission on a financial level.  This year for #GivingTuesday, we were able to drop off a check to Avanzar, a women’s shelter in Atlantic City, NJ.  As we grow, we look forward to helping out numerous organizations that are doing tremendous work.

Last, but certainly not least, HPF stepped to the forefront of digital innovation in the non-profit world with not just the release of a new website, but also introducing HPF Pulse.  Pulse is making it easier for people to find help and in future iterations; we will create a community where heroes can share how they are overcoming obstacles. Pulse allows us to talk about abuse on a greater scale, which we believe is the next step in eradicating abuse.

There were so many other heroes we were able to help on an individual level, but that we won’t name out of respect for their privacy.  Thank you for your bravery and trusting in HPF.  Your stories will help others.

I cannot wait to see what 2019 holds.

The Humanity Preservation Foundation is positioned for great success and will be at the forefront of navigating what could be a very enlightening time.

I can’t thank our supporters enough. Friends. Family. Strangers. Loved ones. Heroes. You all are playing a part and it makes me so thankful to see so many Orange Hearts.

My best to what will be an incredible 2019!

Charles “Buddy” Custer

Executive Director / Co-Founder