On Saturday,  January 11th , – co-founder Rhett Hackett had the pleasure of being asked and participated in the inaugural radio show Down Town Hot Radio for the RAPP Show hosted by Andrea Johnson.  Rhett, along with Torrance Young and Derrick Hook from ISWAT and Walil, an independent activist participated in a panel style talk show.  The topic centered around today’s young men, the dangers they face, and why boys (who become men) don’t tell or speak up when they are affected by crisis or trauma.  Speaking from the perspective of HPF’s mission, Rhett talked about child sexual abuse, domestic violence in the home, and bullying.

It was discussed how these 3 things are intertwined with one another and the importance of educating young men so that they know – how to prevent these types of inhumane acts from happening, and that if they have been a victim of them, it is okay to speak up and get help.  Additionally, the topic was rounded out by speaking to the subject of sex trafficking and how the number of children (boys included) are alarming.   HPF also learned of ISWAT’s efforts in taking young men out of their urban environment and go camping – free electronics – so that kids can see that there is a bigger world beyond their everyday setting.  It also provides them with the opportunity to come together as young men and be able to talk about issues.  HPF is looking forward to learning more about this organization and broadcasting on RAPP in the future.