Elizabeth’s Time at Mount Bachelor Academy

A month after my 13th birthday, I was sent to Mount Bachelor Academy (“MBA”). I was in the midst of depression when I arrived there; several life-altering experiences happened to me in 1989 that would send any pre-pubescent girl into depression.  My family moved several times before I was 12.  It was very difficult to make friends and keep them, constantly being the "new girl" and I was frequently bullied.  In February, 1989, my family moved from Southern California to the Bay Area, forcing me to change schools in the middle of the year and quit competitive figure skating, which [...]

By |2020-12-13T11:48:11-05:00December 13th, 2020|HPF Heroes|0 Comments

Alexandra’s Experience at Growing Together

On February 28, 2004, I was involuntarily entered into a controversial drug-treatment center for teens, and my life was changed forever. But first, a little bit of what led me to the program called “Growing Together” in Palm Beach County, Florida. The label of ‘troubled teen’ was assigned to me sometime in 2002, when I was thirteen years old and in sixth grade. I was shamed and labeled a slut as well by the mothers and religious leaders at the Christian school I attended because my body had developed sooner than most of the other girls my age. There were [...]

By |2020-12-06T11:35:03-05:00December 6th, 2020|HPF Heroes|0 Comments
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